About Saloua


Hi there, my name is Saloua.

I’m originally from Morocco where I grew up and where my roots are. I have been living in the lowlands for the last 10 years. My background is microelectronic engineering (true story, I’ve got a certificate that proves it). I find that when dealing with a stubborn engineer, mentioning my degree somehow suddenly makes me a serious counterpart in any discussion…

I spent my university years in Bordeaux in the South west of France. My choice was of course driven by the academicals qualities of the University and absolutely not by the great Bordeaux wines, gorgeous food and spectacular beaches.

After finishing my master’s degree, I lived for a bit in England and then moved to the Netherlands. I started as a designer engineer at Philips electronics and ended up product owner at ING.

I live in Utrecht, the most beautiful city in the Netherlands (don’s ask Marijke to confirm that though). I’m married to a Spanish man from Barcelona and we have together a little boy called Adam, the sunshine of our lives. I love dancing, traveling and outdoor activities. I’m always on to enjoy a great meal with a nice bottle of wine. During a few (or more) of those, Marijke and I became best of friends.

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